Agreement to the Collection and Use of Sensitive Information

You have the right to refuse to give consent, but in case of refusal, services will be restricted.

[Required] For Staff Member

For using Kids Note or Class Note

Task Purpose of Collection and Use Items Provided Retention and Use Period
Temperature Check
  • Recording and management of daily temperature of the teaching staff to prevent contagious diseases.
Temperature of the staff member Until unregistration from the service.

※ To be retained in accordance with the retention period required by law.

※ For more information, please refer to our [Privacy Policy].

[Required] For Family Member

“Family member” refers to a parent who sends his or her child to a center using the Service, including a day care center, a kindergarten, an academy and an after school class, or a guardian whose parent uses a senior care facility using the Service.

For using Kids Note

Task Purpose of Collection and Use Items Retention and Use Period
Temperature check Recording and management of daily temperature of the child of a user to prevent contagious diseases. Temperature of a child. Until unregistration from the service.

※ To be retained in accordance with the retention period required by law.
Medication request Provision of information and instructions required to administer medication to a child so that the child can receive medication properly. Health info of a child (symptom, dosage – type of medicine, dosage, frequency, time, storage instruction)
Notice and Report Sharing and management of the activities and daily tasks of a child between the center and the parent. Child information (activity record)
Children management and ADM Docu Checking of information to manage a child in the center. Health info of a child (allergy, medical history and hospital for emergency) 5 years after the child leaves the institution in accordance with the Child Care Act and the Act on Public Records Management.
Behavior Observation and Growth Check Recording and management of a child’s behaviors in preparation of the onsite assessment of daycare centers and kindergartens. Child information (behavior records, notable qualities regarding development, change records)
Parent interview Recording and management of parent interviews regarding the behaviors of a child. Child information (behavior records, notable qualities regarding development, change records)

For using Class Note

Task Purpose of Collection and Use Items Retention and Use Period
Temperature check Recording and management of daily temperature of the child of a user to prevent contagious diseases. Temperature of a child. Until unregistration from the service.

※ To be retained in accordance with the retention period required by law.
Medication request Provision of information and instructions required to administer medication to a child so that the child can receive medication properly. Health info of a child (symptom, dosage – type of medicine, dosage, frequency, time, storage instruction)
Notice and Report Sharing and management of the activities and daily tasks of a child between the center and the parent. Child information (activity record)

For using Family Note

Task Purpose of Collection and Use Items Retention and Use Period
Notice and Report Sharing and management of the activities and daily tasks of a senior between the center and the parent. Senior information (activity record) Until unregistration from the service.

※ To be retained in accordance with the retention period required by law.

※ For more information, please refer to our [Privacy Policy].